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tamoadmin 2024-12-14 人已围观
简介1.写一篇40词左右的英语短文,简要描述一天内的天气变化情况根据提示写一篇60词左右的短文,简单描述一天市区天气预报:今天多云转少云,最高气温1摄氏度最低气The city weather forecast: today it‘s cloudy turn less cloud, the highest temperature of 1 degrees Celsius minimum gas零下四度
The city weather forecast: today it's cloudy turn less cloud, the highest temperature of 1 degrees Celsius minimum gas
Four degrees below zero are expected to hope to cloudy little wind temperature changes in this area is not much
英语可以在线翻译的。(温馨提示:普卫欣美国进口天 猫有效防止雾霾吸入)
What a sunny day today!The sun is shinning,the wing is blowing,I am very hy.But it is raining yesterday.Because of the raining day,I he to stay at home alone.That is so boring.I hope there will be sunny again tomorrow.
We can see from the pictures that the weather has changed a lot within a day. In the early morning,it's windy. Then in the morning,it's rainy. At noon, the weather gets better, it becomes sunny.But in the afternoon, the weather changes again, it becomes cloudy.What a changeable weather!